Gary Hill Selected Works + Catalogue Raisonné
The most comprehensive book about the artworks of Gary Hill has just been released. It combines a catalog of his large exhibition in Wolfsburg Germany during 2001-2002, as well as a "Catalogue Raisonné" of his works. This book contains information on every installation, performance, and video tape that Gary Hill did between 1972 and 2001.
Holger Broeker of the Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg spent many months working with Gary to compile and verify all of the information in the Catalogue Raisonné, and collect the hundreds of photos that are contained here.
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This amazing book contains information on 21 performances, 50 single channel video tapes, and 66 video installations in chronological order from 1972 to 2001, including works that Gary Hill rejected and decided to destroy.
Each catalog entry includes a detailed description, all of the spoken or written texts which are part of the work, information concerning the history of each object and its installation.
The following are some simple snapshots of pages in the catalog to give you an idea of what it looks like. These are not scans, just photos of the book itself, and are just meant to give you a feeling of what the book contains.
Click on the thumbnails for a larger version. Then use your "Back" button to return here.
From the Selected Works and essay section |
From the Catalogue Raisonné section |
Another from the Catalogue Raisonné section |
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